Calendar, Luncheons and Events
CALENDAR (See Newsletter for details)
Dec 11 French Group
Dec 16 German Group
Jan 3 Potluck
Jan 8 Exec. Board Meeting
Jan 15 French Group
Jan 22 Luncheon
Jan 20 German Group
JANUARY 22, 2025
Reservations must be made no later than January 15, 2025 and check received by that date, either texting or emailing Susan Martin at (207) 837 4192 or Reservations cannot be accepted after that date, nor can your $$$ be refunded if you have to cancel after that date. Make your check out to IWCNE for $45.00 and indicate for January luncheon in memo section and mail to Susan Martin, 10 Birch Rd., Kennebunk, ME 04043 Mail can be extremely slow, so plan ahead to make reservation and getting check in the mail. Or go to website, click on Events, pay $47 via Pay Pal ($2 Pay Pal fee)
LUNCHEONS / Meetings 2025
Date, Location
Jan 20 Atlantic Grill, Charity Recipients
The IWCNE conducts several types of fundraising activities. Worthy charities are identified as recipients each year, and the funds are presented at the January meeting.
Some of the activities occur monthly and provide varying amounts of monies, plus at least one major fund-raising activity is conducted each year in the Spring. Raffle tickets are sold at each luncheon meeting, and a drawing is held for door prizes that have been donated by members. Monthly potluck meals provide another contribution to our funds for charities.
Additional fundraising activities have included a popular Fashion Show during the late Spring with members modeling the clothing.
Annual Holiday Fair-- IWCNE has held a Holiday Fair each year since the club was founded, and it is a major fundraiser for our charities. A variety of craftspeople are invited to rent space from us to offer their creations. Members of the club also make Christmas decorations and baked goods to sell, as well as raffle tickets for valuable gifts and a luncheon that is served throughout most of the day. In addition to raising money for our charities, the Fair is a good opportunity for the club to be well known in the community. Every year we welcome back long time vendors and shoppers, as well as meeting new ones.
Potlucks. The pot-luck meals are a fundraiser not just for our members, but spouses, significant others as well. We try to have one monthly at various homes and many times they are holiday themed. The hostess can choose a theme and/or time of day so that we end up with not only suppers, but brunches, lunches, teas, etc. as well. The cost is $15.00 and each person brings an appetizer, main course or dessert so that the hostess does not have to provide too much more than her house. They are great events and everyone always enjoys fabulous food and company.